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nicole vandeboom

author. writer. lover of words.

Lifeish Stuff

Lifeish Stuff


I'm a Chicago girl, born and bred, who stuck around to raise my family in the heart of the best city in the world. I love this city, but sometimes I wonder why I live somewhere that hurts my face a majority of the year. 

I wrote and illustrated my first short story in 4th grade and it was love at first write. I never looked back, dabbling in various types and genres of writing ever since. 


I read every single night before bed.


Naps are essential.


Dark chocolate truffles make me weak in the knees.


I can't keep a case of La Croix in my home longer than two days.

Sarcasm, dark humor, and satire are essential to life on this planet.

Writing is the purest form of therapy, I highly recommend it.

If my work connects with even one person and makes their day better, then I've done my job.

Wait, What's My Cred?

Wait, What's My Cred?


I really started working on sharing my writing with a larger audience after my first son was born. I started a mommy blog of sorts. Covering everything from kids to fitness to recipes. VERY original, I know! Oh, I also had a second baby in that window.


WHOA! Now it gets serious. After taking up a job at a neighborhood newspaper and working in a writing capacity at a non-profit, I put article writing at the forefront of my career. Tag on a comms dir job in politics and things were getting polished!

I began expanding my parenting writing by submitting to RedTricycle and felt the rush. There was no looking back. And then in 2018, I started my first novel.



With a book in the works and having moved on from all my writing hustles, I began to push my pieces elsewhere like ScaryMommy and Medium. What's next? Submitting the book to agents and publishers. And focusing on growing my audience, especially on Medium!

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© 2019 by Nicole VandeBoom. 

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